Thursday, October 21, 2010

Review of Extraday

I can't get this blog's software to work correctly, for some reason.  It keeps trying to say that it's Thursday, but it's not!  It's... (cue ominous mix of Darth Vader Theme and Jaws Theme) ...Extraday.

It might seem a bit silly to "review" a day, but since people often say their favorite day of the week is Friday and their least favorite is Monday, it obviously shows that days of the week can be rated on a qualitative, if not quantitative, scale of measurement.  Let us do so now.


-Inserts itself into the week either before or after Wednesday on an unpredictable schedule, which makes life a little more exciting.
-Can add some much-needed extra hours to a work week when there simply hasn't been enough time to get everything done.
-Reduces the mathematical inaccuracy of the Beatles' classic love song, "Eight Days a Week."

-Only ever appears when the week is already dragging by on its way to a weekend of awesome, delaying said awesomeness.
-Fouls up both the astrological calendar and the Gregorian calendar something awful, requiring mass brainwashing and removal of memories by Men in Black.
-Throws off the theme for the rest of the days of the week.  Wednesday = Wodin's Day, Thursday = Thor's Day, etc., whereas Extraday is only self-descriptive.

Verdict: I would have given Extraday eight stopwatches out of ten, but since Extraday is a cousin of the 29th of February, I realize it's coming in with a handicap.  Therefore, I rate it a ...
..........I'm sorry, I think I just had a visitor and forgot what I was writing about fnord fnord.  Where was I?  ...I guess I'll just have to try again, maybe after a little nap...

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