Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Disco Zombies Review

Apparently Acme Reviewing Company has an Arts & Entertainment division.  I received two tickets in the mail for a dance recital in downtown Greensboro.  Eager to get to review something that for once did not invade my home in some way, I arrived early at the dance hall.

Fashionably late would have been better.

Disco Zombies

-Shuffling gait and jerky gestures overlapped in the type of creature and the type of dancing.
-Zombies on roller skates were tragically hilarious.
-Against all odds, the event attracted a large number of rather pretty and rather violent young women who, just like in the movies, proceeded to end the show and "bring down the house"... literally.

-Zombies: repulsive.
-Disco: repulsive.
-Proliferation of polyester did little to keep all body parts attached to the zombies, causing dancers to trip over each others' parts.  Did I mention repulsive?

Dear God, how did I come out of this with any sanity left to my name?  Whatever math major dreamt this up needs to do the human race a favor and go divide himself by zero.  In this case, a negative times a negative does NOT produce a positive: it's more like repulsive, squared.  I give these disco zombies twenty-two severed, rotting thumbs down.

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