Friday, September 24, 2010

Fish Hair Dryer Review

The salesman at my local pet store is smooth.

I went in expecting to buy a fish to put in an old glass bowl I have.  I came out with an entire aggregation of fish, an aquarium bigger than I am with all its accoutrements, a lifetime subscription to a fish magazine, and a kit for keeping my fish looking their best.

When I got the kit home, I found that some of its tools made sense.  There are pills to help keep the water from growing an overabundance of algae, a little thermostat to keep the water properly regulated, and vitamin droplets to keep my new fishy friends healthy.  The one piece of equipment that I'm a little unsure of is the thing I'm going to review today.

Fish Hair Dryer

(Disagreeing Mermaid disagrees with this review's verdict.)

-Any hairy fish that want to look their best for a night on the town would probably want this product.
-If one of their fish suddenly sprouted hair, a savvy fish owner who had one of these babies would find himself prepared for Hairy Fish Armageddon.
-Useful for flummoxing nosy house guests.  "What's that?"  "A fish hair dryer."  "...Oh."

-Used outside of the fish's aqueous environment, it will probably kill its intended recipient before it can do all that much drying. 
-Used in the water, it will probably kill ME.
-Fine print contains alarming warnings concerning various places one should not stick this hair dryer while in use.  Do people really do that?  Dear God, WHY?

At first glance, I would have rated this product three big, stinky fishes.  HOWEVER, I can only surmise that a product this pointless must have been thought up by a governmental organization that suddenly found itself inundated with an overabundance of "stimulus" dollars that it was required to spend in as quick a fashion as possible.  In other words, this product was never intended to actually make any useful contribution to society other than "get bought."  And since I bought it, it has inarguably served its purpose.  Therefore, my final product rating is three big, stinky fishes and a Nobel Prize on a sesame seed bun.

(John Maynard Keynes, look upon thy intellectual progeny and weep.)

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